Saturday, January 23, 2010

10 Dolphins!

Yup, you read it correctly... 10 Dolphins.

So there I was, I had just finished a productive afternoon in the office, (cleaning and organizing the shop, some accounts, some work on the website, I also taught two local kids how to use the Recreational Dive Planner) when in walks Stuart. First of all he just walks right in the shop... tracking mud and dripping water from his wetsuit on my nicely polished floor.

"Well, Sally, I think you are going to want to give me notice when you here what I have to say."

I immediately imagine something is wrong; a lost diver, a sunken boat, a sexual harassment suit... my mind is racing.

"We were just diving with 10 dolphins!" Then I think he actually thrust his fist in the air and whooped, or something of the sort.

So, I replied with what any normal person would say; "That's right, Stuart, you're fired!"

I mean, there I was, being a really great employee to myself (when you are the owner, it doesn't necessarily mean you are the boss, it just means you are an employee that makes the hardest decisions, gets the most boring jobs, and gets paid the least amount of money) and they were diving with 10 Dolphins, definitely a dismissible offence.

So, as Stuart tells the story, they were just finishing their dive at the Tug Boat, swimming back to the wreck from the reef, when all of a sudden there were all these undulating bodies. In a moment of disbelief, Stuart forgot the sign for dolphin (which is your hand, palm down, undulating like a dolphin does... as if you were showing someone "you go up the hill, then down the hill, then up the hill, then down the hill.") so he just kind of pointed and went "mwaahhhh."

Then there was about 5 - 10 minutes of diving bliss.

They were Bottlenose dolphins, a pod of 10, including adults and young. Stuart said that the youngest dolphin was showing off the most, putting on a display for them with flips and all sorts under the water.

All the divers were so excited they were all talking at once. It was fabulous. They have gone back to Tintamarre today, so I will let you know if they see any more. Also, Jen took some video of them, so I will see if I can ask her to post it. Mark had his camera, but unfortunately with e 35 mm macro lens attached... gutted!

Although I expressed joy at their good fortune, those of you that know me best, know that I was secretly squinting my eyes and shaking my fist in jealousy!

Ah well, the season of the dolphins has started. This normally lasts until April, when the water starts to warm up again, so book your diving now... don't wait too long!

Oh... in other not as exciting news, Chris is back, safe and sound. His bag didn't make it... but he did! I will get him to blog soon!

Have a great day everyone!

(Sally wrote this blog :) )

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