Friday, January 23, 2009

Whose Kevin?

This is Kevin. Read below....

Some of you that have been diving with us, may have met Kevin. Kevin is 9 years old, and he lives down the street. When Chris and I bought the shop back in June, we spent the first week going through the entire shop and getting rid of any rubbish. This included masks, snorkels, fins, wetsuits etc that weren't up to the standard that we want to give to our VIP customers (that would be you!).

Kevin walked by one day and Chris said "hey... have you ever tried snorkeling?" At this point Kevin came in and Chris tried one of these old masks on him, and sent him on his way with his new mask, snorkel and fins. This was the beginning of the relationship, and after 8 months I don't think that a day goes by without Kevin coming into the shop at some point. He passes the shop on the way to school and back again, so usually stops by.

Kevin is a really sweet kid... and I love when he comes into visit, but.... (there is always a but, isn't there?) he is also a fusser/fiddiler. So, he has to pick everything up and look at everything. If you are on the computer, he wants on the computer. If there is a stapler on the table, all of a sudden he is stapling together your tax returns and the receipts of your cash customers (never good... :) If you don't watch him carefully he will some how have refunded clients on the credit card machine, or called Zimbabwe or something. So... it is important to keep an eye on him.

Somehow Max convinced him that Santa Clause still exists. So Kevin sat down and wrote Santa a letter, came in and used one of my stamps, and then told me to post it. I told him I would. Of course I read it, I mean, we had to find out what he wanted. (in the letter he explained to Santa that he was in the apartment with the red bike outside that had the flat tire). Max had all the intention of buying him the "grown up walkie-talkie" that he wanted, but when he went to CostULess, there was nothing there. So after Christmas Kevin came in and said to Max "I know Santa doesn't exist because I didn't get my walkie-talkie." So Max told Kevin that Santa came to Max's house to drop it off because Kevin wasn't there and Max will bring it in soon. This is still going on... oh la la.

So... if you ever come here, and you see a little kid (usually in his green school uniform) that is Kevin. One day we will teach him how to dive, but right now he is lucky if I don't tie him up!

Here are some photos.
The first one is of Kevin snorkeling in the rinse tank. He brought me a little crab and then decided to put some water in a container for the crab. But when he put the water in the container he also let the crab into the rinse tank!
This is Kevin.
This is me and Kevin.
This is what Kevin has to say... "this is my friend Sally!"
(this blog was written by Sally)


kelly_robinson04 said...

AWWW!! I love Kevin! I told him I was going to find him and give him a big kiss before I left. I wasn't able to could you do that for me?? :)

Octopus Diving said...

Sure Kelly. Kevin is here now and he says "good bye Kelly. Have a great day!"

map said...

aw. i loved this particular blog post! good one, sal.