It is giving Chris and I time to collaborate on the design of the new boat, so that is good, however, we always hate to cancel diving. Not just because we lose diving, but we also understand that our divers have been looking forward to diving for a long time. Perhaps they are only here for a few days, so when we cancel, sometimes we take away the opportunity for them to dive for another year. Saying this, however, if we feel it is unsafe, we won't go out. C'est la vie.
Chris and I went to see Porto Cupecoy the other night. This is a new gated community on the border of the Dutch Side and the French Side (it is just on the Dutch Side). It is currently in development to open in November, 2009. We were invited for cocktails and a little tour (we never say no to free drinks, plus it was a good opportunity for networking. The website is The premise of the evening was that it was a "bloggers" night. So anyone that blogs was invited. So, I felt obliged to mention them in my blog (hence my writing this.) Also, however, it is nice sometimes to see the other side (the top side) of Saint Martin. The whole village looks like it will be really nice, hopefully full of potential Octopus divers!
They took this photos of us ...
For those of you that have met us, I love this photo because it makes me look so tall. Normally I come up to Chris's armpit, but I am on my tippy toes and Chris is bending his knees a little bit. So it gives me about a foot extra!
It was a nice night.
They are just saying on the radio (I listen to Island92) that there was loads of hoopla about the storm, but really it has come to nothing. So that is fantastic.
Alright, keep your fingers crosses that Erika passes us fast...
(sally wrote this blog :) )
Thanks for joining us for the blogger night at Porto Cupecoy. We appreciated you coming out to check out the property and to meet some fellow bloggers. We're also glad you like the photo!
Hi Sally and Chris - thank you for coming out to visit us. I am glad you enjoyed the evening. We're looking forward to seeing you for some diving adventures in Grand Case.
It would seem that there are other Very Important Bloggers that were not invited to this event.
You are so correct mark, in fact... I'm gonna get you a special appointment with them when you next come back!
that's a lovely picture of you guys!
miss you.
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