Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cover shot

So, these are some of the photos I am taking to the magazine for the cover shot. Which one do you think is the best?


Mark said...

Maybe the Jacks because there is a diver. I like the spade fish a lot, too. The barracuda and moray shots may be to scary for a cover!

Unknown said...

Hey Sally...i love the Barracuda pics...scary is good!


Unknown said...

The 2 jacks with the diver is very nice; but I also like the Turtle... if only JP had been slightly higher in the composition, and maybe a bit to the right, behind the turtle, it would be even more outstanding! Not a criticism... believe me, I have a bit of a clue as to how hard it is to get a photo "perfect" on dry land; underwater has to orders of magnitude more challenging! Can't wait to get a housing for my SLR and start snapping! I want a copy of that magazine, Sally!