Recently we have had the pleasure of certifying quite a few students. Teaching is something that we all love here at Octopus Diving, for me especially, I love seeing people underwater for the first time.

I also think that you learn a lot about people during a diving course. Especially, the Open Water Course. For example, if someone is a little scared, by helping them over come that, you learn about their determination. You see how people deal with having super messy hair and snot on their face! And of course, you see what they look like underwater. I think that all you divers will agree, people just look different underwater!
I just feel that there is the "top side personality", and then... there is "the bottom side personality". Once you descend for a dive, even if you are only practicing in really shallow water, everything seems to change. For example, underwater I have held hands with hundreds of people. Maybe they are a little scared and need some reassuring, or maybe their bouyancy isn't so great, or maybe they have never dived before and can't fin properly! It isn't at all strange to be holding hands with someone you just met, when you are underwater. But once our heads pops up after the dive, immediately we let go. Top side, it would be weird to hold hands, but bottom side, not strange at all.
Well I had loads of fun getting to know my students above and below the water. Here is a picture of a recent group we had all learning the dreaded recreational dive planner! You can see Lee in the front is using the super size RDP!
Then, of course, after the course we have the obligatory mug shot for the certification card... I think it is only right to wait until after the dives so that everyone has messy hair in the photo!
Above you can see all their smiling faces... in no particular order; Lee, James, Kevin, Noah, Emily, Daniel, Alan, Paul and Emma! Congratulations to all of them!
In other news... we recently made an offer on a boat, so finger crossed that they accept it. And we may have another boat for the summer! That would be amazing.
Also, check out some of the reviews that we've had at This is a great site if you are traveling and looking for a good scuba diving center.
OK. That is all for now. We've got some snorkelers out this afternoon with JP and Christain, Chris is in the water with two more open water students, and I am sat at the computer. Doesn't seem fair, does it? Oh well, I will be teaching again tomorrow!
(Sally wrote this blog :) )
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