Anyway... the final score is Sally 2 - saint martin wildlife 0. So, ha!
(You thought that I was going to say I was bitten by a shark, or a grouper, huh? Well, they are actually much less harmful than dogs and fire ants).
Also, I have been studying really hard for my equivalence test in France in June, and generally, just slacking on the blogging front. So as my Uncle would say: Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa.
When I first started writing this blog my intention was to mention that we have been seeing loads of octopodes lately. I need to find out more information about them, but they are definetely around more now, then they were in the winter. Yesterday, Chris saw three, and two were together at the same time. Here are a couple photos that Mog, Chris's open water student at the time, captured.

I also saw one today when I was diving with Jessica, Jennifer, Alex, Dimitri, Shawn and Michael, (from Texas, Michegan, Brooklyn and Seattle but not in that order.) They are just too cool. I could really watch them for hours.
So that was my original intention, (to write about octopodes, (I also intended to use less parentheses (but you can see that isn't happening))) but I thought that I would also tell everyone that I now have an awsome new haircut. I know it has nothing to do with diving, but I decided to tell you all anyway! ha! And here are two photos... they aren't the best photos, ok? 
In fact in this photo below, I kind of look a little evil. But for those of you who haven't dived with us, or who are considering diving with us, I'm really not. Also, my vocal language skills are much better than my written language skills. Chris told me to look at the camera from the side, so I did, but that has made me look a little strange!
Anyway folks, I gotta run. It's 5:30 on a Sunday, so that means BBQ time with some friends on the balcony in time for the sun set at 6:45 pm. Grand Case is the best places to watch the sunsets in Saint Martin.
(Sally wrote this blog, couldn't you tell? :) )
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