They are just so amazing. We have heard that there are Frog Fish in the area, but this is the first one that we have seen. Frog fish are so named because they look like toads almost, but they are actually fish.
They are a type of anglerfish, but are distinguished from anglerfish by their three dorsal fins (these are the fins on the back of the fish). You can just about make them out on the photo above. They are extremely hard to see because they are so well camouflaged. They can change color to match their background and have various warts and growths that make them almost invisible.
I love them because they have such a pronounced frown and always look so grumpy. They don't actually swim, as such, instead it looks like they are "walking" on their pectoral fins (these kind of look like feet). They can also propel themselves forward by forcing water from two small openings behind and below the pectoral fins. How cool is that? Chris and I have seen them
We are all really excited and will be looking for Frog Fishes all the time. They are so hard to spot, I wonder if they haven't been around, or if we just aren't seeing them.
Anyway... I'll keep you posted if we find any more!
(sally wrote this blog :P )
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