This morning I certified Frank as an Open Water Diver. Congratulations, Frank! From California, USA, Frank told me if you love what you do, then you never have to work a day in your life. So, I guess I'm a slacker....
His wife was going to get certified as well, but she had some trouble with the beginning of the course that she did in California. See, Frank did all the book work and the shallow pool sessions in California with his wife and then came to us to do his four Open Water dives. After talking to Carol we realised that the reason she had trouble with the beginning of the course was that she had a bad instructor. So... word to the wise "if you aren't getting on with your instructor, if you aren't comfortable or happy... ask for someone else." There is no shame in this.
Sometimes I will have a student that is having problems with the Open Water Course, so I just say "maybe you should work with my husband, he has a different teaching style and it might be better for your personality." It isn't anything against my teaching abilities (I am of course an AMAZING instructor) it is just that sometimes people need different techniques. Sometimes Chris asks me to take over with a particular student, because I teach differently. We all teach to the same high standards, but our methods are different. At the end of the day we are all just people, but diving is important and if something doesn't feel right, you should say so.
Unfortunatly, we couldn't convince Carol to finish the course with us, but Frank did a great job. This morning we saw two eagle rays, a couple of turtles and also lots of fish. The vis was great so I was just enjoying being underwater today!

Here is a photo of Frank...
Yesterday afternoon we had some the students from the AUC here (American University of the Caribbean) and they went to Tintamarre with Chris and JP. I didn't get to go, but when they came back they were buzzing with excitement, as usual.
OK. Filling tanks now, so gotta go!
(Sally wrote this blog :o) )
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