Saturday, November 15, 2008

Six eagle rays - Building Dock

For those of you who were feeling bad for me because I didn't get to see the Hammerhead shark the other day, you can feel a little better because at Creole Rock yesterday... I saw not one, not two, but SIX eagle rays all together. Further, I didn't just see them for a split second or far in the distance, they were close and hung around for about 10 minutes. We couldn't believe it! The eagle rays, combined with the really great visibility made it so perfect. I stayed in the shop in the afternoon, but Chris said that he saw an eagle ray again in the afternoon trip!

Chris also went to the Tugboat in the afternoon, around Tintamarre and although the visibility wasn't great above 5 meters, below 5 meters he said that it was fantastic!

On other news... we just had a contracter in to make drawings for a pier which we are going to build in Grand Case by the boat. After OMAR we lost so much sand and the steps got a little wrecked and both Chris and I feel that it will be worth the investment to build a small pier with a floating dock at the end. This way customers will be able to just step onto the boat in absolute ease (plus it will be a lot easier to load the tanks onto the boat!). It is a big investment though, so if you are reading this..... COME AND DIVE WITH US! We will need a lot of divers to pay us back for this investment!

I also wanted to inform everyone that it is illegal to kill bats, they are protected. This means that when you call the exterminator to get rid of the bats that fly into your face in the middle of the night, they tell you there is nothing they can do. In case you were wondering.

(Sally wrote this blog).


map said...

it makes no sense to me at all that bats would be protected. NONE. they eat bugs. so what? spiders eat bugs and THEY aren't protected.

i'm upset on your behalf. if i'd been woken up in the wee hours b/c a bat had flown into MY head, the first word i would have said would have been rude... followed by "UNACCEPTABLE!"

Octopus Diving said...

I know... a bat in the head! Can you believe it? Since then we haven't been able to do much. I heard them last night, in the roof, and then I was sure one was flying around the room, so I just hid my head under the sheet. But then I had bat nightmares, bad bat nightmares... ahhhhhhh.