Thursday, November 26, 2009
We are thankful for
1. All of our loyal customers who we have had the pleasure of diving and snorkeling with. Without all of you, we wouldn't be able to do what we love.
2. The joining of Swen and Aurelion to the Octopus Family. They are both great guys who work super hard, and are motivated to doing a great job.
3. All the wonderful people in the Grand Case community that help us every day. Like Reverend Hodge and his two sons Jhonny and Mickey. (They are the owners of Les Alizes and are always ready with a kind word and a smile). Or like Albert, who never passes the dive shop without saying hello. Or like Kevin, our little helper, who sometimes causes more trouble than help. Or like Emile, the owner of Sky's the Limit, who feeds us when we are hungry and too lazy to cook with a good bbq. Or our nieghbor Rick, from NY, who let us store our kayak next door!
4. The addition of our new boat Octopussy, which makes diving in Saint Martin a dream.
5. The health and well being of our family and loved ones.
6. The really cool octopi that seem to be around lately.
7. The addition of the members of Les Fruits de Mer, who are here for one whole year... yeah! I will blog more about them at a later date.... so stay tuned.
8. The fact that we get to meet so many wonderful people everyday, while living and diving in such a beautiful place.
9. Our lovely cat Max, who is so big he may as well be a small tiger!
10. All our family and friends that come to visit us, especially my family who are all coming for my 30th birthday in February... I know.... 30 years old.... ahhhhh!
11. A hurricane free season!
12. And of course, we are thankful to all of our blog readers (that means you!)
So, have a wonderful day everyone, wherever you are! I do believe that now it is time for bed, all that turkey makes me sleepy!
(this blog was written by Sally :))
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Aurelions Photos
Aure says "if you like my photos, please check out my website, where there are more."
He likes the little stuff, so there are shrimps, nudibranchs, but also some bigger stuff as well, like an octopus, an eagle ray and a turtle. Enjoy!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Time is moving....

I have also been noticing a lot of really beautiful anemones lately. Like the elegant anemone and the bearded anemone. (Does anyone actually pronounce that word correctly? In my head I can't stop saying anenome, switching the "n" and the "m".) They are so pretty, like underwater flowers, and if you look well, you can see a whole new ecosystem in one anemone. There are always little Hairy Crabs behind the Giant Anemones.
Alright, I better stop the silence and fill some tanks. I will try and blog on Thanksgiving, like I did last year, listing what we are thankful for, but I will wait until Thursday. It is this Thursday, isn't it? One year I almost celebrated on the wrong week, (I was in England at the time where they don't really care about Thanksgiving), but luckily my mom set me straight before I defrosted the turkey.... thanks mom.
Until then, think of Chris and me tomorrow on our day off! (Sally wrote this blog :) )
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fantastic Afternoon!
When I was talking to Michael he was telling me that he is always reading the blog, so I thought that it was only fitting that I blog about him. I always get excited when Mike sends us an email because he works for the military, so the words "unclassified" are always contained in the top of the email. I like to imagine all the other "classified" emails that go out... but Mike assures me that he isn't really privy to classified information, but he would say that, wouldn't he?
Anyway... the diving was really great this afternoon, especially diving from Octopussy. We went to Japanese Garden and saw the biggest Green Turtle hiding under a rock. I learned the other day, from Aurelion, (our new instructor), that the turtles go to the surface, take a gulp of air, and then they wedge themselves under a rock. With the huge gulp of air they are buoyant, so if they want a nap, they need the rock to stop them from floating to the surface. This Green Turtle had two huge Remoras on her back, she let us approach slowly, but then when we were too close, she swam gracefully away. We carried on, checking out all the schools of fish and spiny lobsters. It was a really nice dive. Marisa did fantastic, considering it was her third dive ever!
Then we went diving on the tugboat, where we had close encounters with sting rays and also watched Louis do some break dancing on his head (underwater of course). Aurelion had his camera, so I will post some photos when he sends them to me. The Tug was full of fish, like normal, and it was a beautiful dive.
Other news.... we have had some more great reviews on tripadvisor (thanks everyone) so check those out...
We are currently the #1 attraction in Saint Martin / Sint Maarten and #5 in the whole of the Caribbean. We want to be #1 in the Caribbean, so if you are so inclined... write good review for us!
I will soon take photos of our new instructors Swen and Aurelion for the blog and the website, so stay tuned for more information about these two characters. They are real characters... Swen speaks 8 languages.... and Aurelion lives on a boat. They both love diving, and they are great guys, so check out the blog soon!
Congratulations to Marisa on her open water certification!
Friday the 13th tomorrow, I wonder if this will affect the marine life...
Good night everyone!
(Sally wrote this blog :) )
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Octopussy in the Water
We went diving at Tintmarre, doing a drift dive at Chico, and then another drift dive at the Tugboat. It was just so comfortable, you couldn't even feel the waves on the boat, and Eric (who normally gets seasick) wasn't feeding any fish at all. He felt fine. So that was another test passed. The radio was playing, putting everyone in a fun mood, and it was so easy to get equipped and into the water that we reduced our time getting ready by half.
So we are really excited at how great the new boat is working out.
Also, we had two amazing dives. I had never done a drift at Chico in the direction that I did on Sunday, and it was so beautiful I think I may do this every time. Just really healthy reefs, with beautiful formations, we saw turtles, barracuda and lots of fish.
The second dive was also really great. First of all, the tugboat is always really pretty and with millions of fish around it, but on this particular dive, once we were on the reef, Maggie spotted an Octopus. But this Octopus wasn't just hanging out in it's cave, it was moving all around, stretching his tentacles in all the holes of the reef, then he was free swimming, and changing colors over and over and over. We watched it for about 10 minutes (personally, I could have watched it all day).
So, I think that it was a really great omen. The coolest Octopus I have ever seen on the maiden voyage of Octopussy, with Octopus Diving! It doesn't get much better than that!
(Sally wrote this blog :) )
Friday, November 6, 2009
Octopussy... Almost there
It's funny to think that this time last year we were all excited because we had just renovated the shop, and now we are so excited because of the new boat. She is going to fly!
But don't worry, even though she is larger, and we are certified to take 16 people on board, we are still only going to take 6 divers at one time, so more room for you!
I will take more photos for the website soon.
(sally wrote this blog :) )